MucTieuSo là đối tác của Broadcom Symantec

Mục Tiêu Số chính thức tham gia kênh phân phối sản phẩm hãng Broadcom Symantec vào năm 2020.

  • Symantec là sản phẩm kỳ cựu tại thị trường Việt Nam trong mảng bảo mật. Từ năm 2019, Symantec được Broadcom mua lại và đổi sang tên thương hiệu mới. Các sản phẩm về bảo mật vẫn được mang tên Symantec dưới nhánh Symantec Cyber Security.
  • Broadcom tiếp tục cung cấp giải pháp giúp Endpoint Security bảo vẹ máy chủ và máy trạm. Giải pháp Network Security, Identity và Information Security.
  • Dòng sản phẩm Endpoint Security – bao gồm SEP, SES Enterprise và SES Complete.
  • Tham khảo thêm thông tin sản phẩm Symantec (legacy) tại
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Thông tin về sản phẩm Symantec Broadcom

Symantec Cyber Security bao gồm Endpoint Security, Symantec Identity Security, Information Security & Network Security

Nhóm Endpoint Security có các sản phẩm bảo vệ cho

Endpoint Security

Bảo vệ máy trạm từ Server đến clients, triển khai on-prem và cả on-cloud. Nhóm này bao gồm:

  1. Gói SEP là Sep 15
  2. SES Enterprise
  3. SES Complete
SES-SUB-500-PLUSENDPOINT SECURITYEndpoint Security Enterprise, Hybrid Subscription License with Support, 500+ Devices, 1Y
SES-SUB-1-99ENDPOINT SECURITYEndpoint Security Enterprise, Hybrid Subscription License with Support, 1-99 Devices,  1Y
SES-SUB-100-499ENDPOINT SECURITYEndpoint Security Enterprise, Hybrid Subscription License with Support, 100-499 Devices, 1Y
SESC-SES-SUBENDPOINT SECURITYEndpoint Security Complete (Includes New SES/SEP Subscription), Hybrid Subscription License with Support, Per Device, 1Y
Endpoint Security

Server Security

Bao gồm:

  1. Cloud Workload Protection
  2. Data Center Security
  3. Cloud Workload Protection for Storage.
DCS-SRV-SUBServer ProtectionData Center Security Server, Subscription License with Support, Per Server, 1Y
DCS-SRVA-SUBServer ProtectionData Center Security Server Advanced, Subscription License with Support, Per Server, 1Y
CWP-SUBServer ProtectionCloud Workload Protection Any CPU or Large CPU, Cloud Service Subscription with Support, Per Server, 1Y
CWP-STOR-GB-SUBSTORAGE PROTECTIONCloud Workload Protection for Storage, Cloud Service Subscription with Support, GB 1Y
CWP-S-SUBServer ProtectionCloud Workload Protection Small CPU, Cloud Service Subscription, Per Server, 1Y
CWP-M-SUBServer ProtectionCloud Workload Protection Medium CPU, Cloud Service Subscription, Per Server, 1Y
Cloud Workload Protection
SPE-SSERV-USR-SUBSTORAGE PROTECTIONProtection for SharePoint Servers, Subscription License with Support, Users
SPE-SSERV-SRV-SUBSTORAGE PROTECTIONProtection for SharePoint Servers, Subscription License with Support, Servers
Symantec Protection for SharePoint Servers
Symantec Protection for SharePoint Servers
SPE-CSAS-SUBSTORAGE PROTECTIONProtection Engine for Cloud Services Application Server, Subscription License with Support, Application Servers
SPE-CLDS-TR-SUBSTORAGE PROTECTIONProtection Engine for Cloud Services, Subscription License with Support, 10M Transactions 1Y
SPE-CLDS-SUBSTORAGE PROTECTIONProtection Engine for Cloud Services, Subscription License with Support, Users
Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) for Cloud Services 8.2
Symantec™ Protection Engine (SPE) for Cloud Services 8.2

Endpoint Management

Bao gồm

  1. Client Management Suite
  2. Asset Management Suite
  3. Server Management Suite
  4. Ghost Solution Suite
SIPC-MRE-SUBEndpoint Management (EPM)Insight for Private Clouds Malware Research Edition, Subscription License with Support, 1Y
SIPC-EE-SUBEndpoint Management (EPM)Insight for Private Clouds Endpoint Edition, Subscription License with Support, 1Y
ALT-SUBEndpoint Management (EPM)Client Management Suite, Subscription License with Support, Per Device, 1Y
ALT-SMS-SUBEndpoint Management (EPM)Server Management Suite, Subscription License with Support, Per Device, 1Y
ALT-PATCH-WIN7-SUBEndpoint Management (EPM)Extended Patch Management Support, Windows 7 for 2021
ALT-PATCH-WIN2008-SUBEndpoint Management (EPM)Extended Patch Management Support, Windows Server 2008 for 2021
ALT-ITMS-SUBEndpoint Management (EPM)IT Management Suite, Subscription License with Support, Per Device, 1Y
ALT-AMS-SUBEndpoint Management (EPM)Asset Management Suite, Subscription License with Support, Per Concurrent User, 1Y
GSS-VAR-PERGhost Solution SuiteGhost Solution Suite VAR, One Time Use License, Per Device
GSS-SUBGhost Solution SuiteGhost Solution Suite, Subscription License with Support, Per Device, 1Y
GSS-SRVVAR-PERGhost Solution SuiteGhost Solution Suite Server VAR, One Time Use License, Per Server
GSS-SRV-SUBGhost Solution SuiteGhost Solution Suite Server, Subscription License with Support, Per Server, 1Y

Liên hệ với MucTieuSo – Broadcom Symantec

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Facebook Page: FB/vinsepvietnam

Kênh Chat Website: VinSEP